In the integrated core, learning is delivered through both discrete skills instruction in Reading, Writing and Mathematics, and in experiential interdisciplinary projects. Students learn in to read, write and numerate in developmentally appropriate, best-practice ways. Students also build an understanding of their learning strengths, develop interests, explore their thinking to build independence, and create powerful demonstrations of learning. A key focus is building community through shared work. Projects have a real-world connection and are supported by learning partners and community. Through these projects, students will find opportunities to connect, create, and contribute to school and beyond.
Students develop core competencies that support them to:
- Develop skills to be creative and experience joy from language
- Use numbers to solve complex, real world problems
- Collaborate and communicate to acquire, develop and transform ideas and information
- Think critically and creatively
- Demonstrate positive personal and cultural identity
- Demonstrate personal/social awareness and responsibility
- Understand, plan, monitor, and reflect on their thinking
Students in Grade K-5 Core Curriculum
- Mathematics
- English Language Arts (Reading, Writing)
- Science Social Studies
- Physical and Health Education
- Applied Design, Skills & Technology
- Career Education (5)
- Français Langue Seconde (5)
Integrated Core Includes:
- Embedded arts and technology
- Foundations of Inquiry
- Research Skills
- Empathetic Design Process
- Project Management
- Critique and Revision
- Portfolio Development